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Roselle Park Receives 2022 Clean Communities Grant Award

Roselle Park

The New Jersey Clean Communities Program has awarded the Borough of Roselle Park $22,510.65 in grant funding for the 2022 fiscal year. 

This award is one of the highest in the last six years of the program. 

New Jersey Clean Communities is a statewide, comprehensive, litter-abatement program that distributes millions of dollars per year to municipalities, counties, and state parks services throughout New Jersey. 

Municipalities that receive this funding must implement litter-abatement programs that incorporate elements of cleanup, enforcement, and education. 

“I am very grateful for the program’s generous grant award and continued support of Roselle Park,” Community Center Director and Roselle Park Clean Communities Coordinator Rupen Shah said. 

“With these funds, we will work diligently to educate residents on the importance of having a clean community and will introduce new ways to get residents involved in cleanup efforts. Thank you to New Jersey Clean Communities for this grant!”

Mayor Joe Signorello is equally appreciative for this funding.

“For years, the Borough has continued to receive this grant award; and every year, we ensure that we make the most of it,” Mayor Signorello said. 

“I am confident that through education and cleanup opportunities throughout the year, more Roselle Park residents will take pride in contributing to their clean community. I thank New Jersey Clean Communities, as well as our coordinator, Rupen Shah, for his diligent work for our local program.”

To learn more about Roselle Park’s Clean Communities efforts, please call 908-245-0666.