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Preschool Teacher from Nutley Accused of Threatening to Shoot Up School

Nutley Bergen County

A 38-year-old preschool teacher who allegedly threatened to walk into an Elmwood Park school armed and start shooting, was arrested.

According to authorities, Gina Schroeder, 38, of Nutley, whose disclosed owning three guns reportedly in an e-mail said that “One day, I’m gonna come here and shoot it up.”

Officers immediately were alerted and placed The Goddard School on Riverfront Boulevard in Elmwood Park on lockdown while police searched the premises for weapons.

Officials say no weapons were located in the building or in the teacher’s vehicle. However, a search of Schroeder’s home resulted in the seizure of three (legally owned) guns.

Police arrested Schroeder and charged her with making terroristic threats and illegal possession of prescription drugs.

Photo: The Goddard School