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Police Search for Two Missing Children in Newark


A police alert has been issued for two children that went missing from a home in the city's West Ward (South Orange Ave. and Maybaum)

According to a authorities, the first child has been described as a black female around the age of 6-years-old with light complexion and breaded hair (with beads). The girl is approximately 3ft tall and weighs about 40 pounds.

The second child is a light complexioned black male who is around the age of 1-year-old. The boy is about 2ft tall and weighs about 20 pounds and was last seen wearing a gray shirt, blue jeans, and a dark colored jacket.

The children were last seen with their 49-year-old female babysitter who was wearing black pants, a hoodie, and black sneakers that has purple shoe strings. The woman is approximately 5'7" tall and weighs about 190 pounds.

The woman is reported to have some mental deficiencies and likes to frequent the Irvington Park area.

Please contact local authorities if you come across this woman and these children.

UPDATE 9:13 a.m. The girl was wearing a short sleeve shirt and turquoise pants. She has purple and white beads in her hair and New Balance sneakers.

BOY NAME: "Cory" "Corey"

GIRL NAME: "Alacia" "Alicia"

ADULT NAME: "Geraldine "

UPDATE 9:34 a.m. All parties are located in the 40's block of Munn Ave.