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Police Chase Down, Arrest Two for Shots Fired Incident in Orange


Police in Orange with the assistance of West Orange officers took two suspects into custody after a shots fired incident that occurred in Orange last night.

According to preliminary reports, officers on active patrol observed multiple rounds of gunfire rang out from a vehicle in the area of Lincoln Avenue and Minton Place then a vehicle speed from the shooting scene shortly after 7 p.m.

Officers immediately began to follow the car in an attempt to get the driver to pull over, but the driver ignored officer's lights and sirens.

Units following at a safe distance, observed the 4-door white vehicle barrel down several streets at a high rate of speed in Orange, ignoring several traffic signals, until they reached the intersection of Main and High streets where the car came to a crashing halt with the suspects sprinting from the vehicle reports said.

Police in a foot pursuit requested backup while they chased the suspects down several streets.

Two males were swiftly apprehended while a third suspect continued to flee in the 80's block of Cleveland Street.

A k-9 unit from the Essex County Sheriff's Department was brought in to assist in searching the perimeter that was established on Cleveland Street. But after an extensive search, the suspect remained at-large.

Police recovered evidence that a shooting occurred on Lincoln Avenue and Minton Place but there were no injured victims according to reports.

A gun was confiscated during the incident, and authorities confirmed that the vehicle occupied by the suspects was reported stolen from an unknown state.

The investigation remains active and ongoing