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Plainfield Police Urge Residents to Report Abnormal Activities on Mischief Night, Halloween Day


The Plainfield Department of Public Safety wishes to advise all city residents to be especially watchful for any signs of abnormal activity regarding Halloween Festivities on October 30 and October 31, 2019.

City Residents are asked to observe a voluntary juvenile curfew of 8:30 pm on both days. Additionally, parents and guardians are advised to accompany their children during any "Trick or Treating" ventures.

It is strongly recommended that those activities cease by 8:30 pm on Halloween Night.

There will be extra Public Safety Personnel patrolling the city in both marked and unmarked vehicles. Residents are advised to immediately contact the police if they encounter any activity that is a cause for concern.

The public's support and cooperation, as always, is the key component to the success of our mission.

Have a happy and safe Halloween!