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Parsippany Library Receives Morris County Heritage Commission Re-Grant Award

Parsippany-Troy Hills

By: Aaliyah Amos

The Parsippany-Troy Hills Public Library System will be partnering with coLAB Arts to produce oral histories and photo essays documenting the local and immigrant experiences of the Asian community with the support of a Morris County Heritage Commission re-grant award.

Oral histories and photos will be available digitally, along with a public exhibition hosted by the library. The township of Parsippany-Troy Hills has an ever-growing population of Asian Indian descent.

According to the Parsippany-Troy Hills Public Library System, all oral histories will be annotated by coLAB Arts’ research team with support from Professor Karen Pechilis, Professor of Religious Studies and NEH Distinguished Professor of Humanities at Drew University.

Annotation research intends to provide historical and social context for the oral history collection through sourcing policy, legislation, and journalism. The finished project will serve as an open-source archive for researchers, policymakers, and storytellers who wish to understand Parsippany’s immigrant experience better.

According to Parsippany-Troy Hills Public Library System, this project is meant to directly benefit the community reflected in its stories, provide an increased sense of place and identity, and facilitate conversations around what makes Parsippany a resilient and safe space for immigrants to create a home.

If you would be interested in participating with the library and coLAB Arts on this oral history project, please contact Nicholas Jackson at or Daniel Swern at