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Nun Accused of Driving Drunk Crashes into Washington Twp. Business

Washington Township (Gloucester)

A Philadelphia nun accused of being drunk when she backed up into a township business, has been placed on administrative leave.

According to police, on Nov. 7, a couple called to report that a person - they believed was drunk - backed a F150 pickup truck into the Meineke service center on Black Horse Pike sometime around 2 a.m.

The driver, later identified as Kimberly Miller, 4, a teacher at Little Flower High School for Girls, was pulled over by police further down the road.

Miller’s breath test showed her blood alcohol content to be .16 percent, twice the legal limit.

She was charged with driving under the influence, reckless driving, failure to report an accident, leaving the scene of an accident and failure to exhibit an insurance card. Miller was released to her father with court summons.

According to a spokesman for the Archdiocese of Philadelphia, Miller has been place on leave as a result of the incident