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No Bail Reduction for Man Accused of Sexually Assaulting 83-Year-Old Woman Twice

Woodbury New Jersey

A 38-year-old Louisiana man accused of sexually assaulting an 83-year-old woman today was denied bail reduction, according to the Gloucester County Prosecutor's Office.

On July 23, David C. Thomas, who was staying with relatives at the time of the incident, sexually attacked a Glassboro woman inside her apartment in the same complex.

According to reports, Thomas sexually assaulted the victim twice, – in the living and again in her bedroom – broke her ribs, and bruised her body. Based on reports, the incidents lasted for nearly two hours.

Later that day, Thomas turned himself but told authorities that the encounter was consensual.

Today, Prosecutor Joseph More announced that despite Thomas' claim that the sexual encounter was consensual, the victim said she pleaded with Thomas to stop but because of her age and health was helpless.

Thomas was charged with first-degree aggravated sexual assault, second-degree aggravated assault and terroristic threats and is jailed on $500,000 bail.