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NJ State Police Fatally Shoots Man Armed With Two Rifles


HARDWICK, N.J. - The Attorney General’s Shooting Response Team is conducting an investigation into the circumstances of an officer-involved shooting late last night in Hardwick Township (Warren County), N.J., involving the New Jersey State Police.

The subject, who was armed with two rifles, died of a gunshot wound.

The shooting occurred at approximately 11:35 p.m. in the area of Old Mine Road in Hardwick.

According to the preliminary investigation, the New Jersey State Police received a BOLO (Be On the LookOut) alert regarding the subject, Todd Gregory, 47, of Coram, N.Y. Earlier in the day, it was reported to police in Suffolk County (Long Island), N.Y., that Gregory had gone to the home of a man with whom he had a dispute and was harassing the man and his family.

Police say Gregory allegedly raced back and forth in his vehicle in front of the home and fired a gunshot toward the home, striking a vehicle.

The BOLO alert indicated that Gregory was armed with several weapons, was reportedly suicidal, and planned to engage with law enforcement.

Troopers with the New Jersey State Police located Gregory driving into New Jersey on Route 80 in Knowlton Township.

They attempted to pull over Gregory’s white pickup truck, but he did not stop. Troopers followed Gregory to Old Mine Road in Hardwick, where they lost sight of his vehicle. Officers conducted a search and located the white pickup truck in a secluded area.

As troopers approached the suspect vehicle on foot, a gunshot was heard within the vehicle police said.

According to State Police, the preliminary investigation indicated one trooper fired multiple rounds into the suspect vehicle.

Police say they found Gregory in the vehicle with a fatal gunshot wound.

Police say two rifles were recovered from the pickup truck. Gregory was pronounced dead at the scene. No troopers were injured.

The investigation is ongoing and no further information is being released at this time.

In New Jersey, all investigations of police deadly force incidents are governed by the Attorney General's Independent Prosecutor Directive, issued in 2006 and strengthened in 2015, which establishes strict procedures for conducting such investigations.

It requires the Attorney General to review all deadly force investigations, and in some cases conduct them as well. In this case, the investigation is being conducted directly by the Attorney General’s Shooting Response Team.

The directive further provides that unless the undisputed facts indicate the use of force was justified under the law, the circumstances of the incident must ultimately be presented to a grand jury, composed of 23 civilians, for its independent review.