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NJ Department of Education Podcast Highlights Learning Acceleration

New Jersey

In its “DOE Digest” podcast scheduled to be released on Thursday, July 15, the New Jersey Department of Education (NJDOE) highlights “Learning Acceleration – Extending Opportunities.”

“Educators have an opportunity to accelerate learning through extended opportunities like summer school and after-school opportunities,” said Kenneth Bond, Acting Director of NJDOE’s Office of the Professional Learning Network and program moderator.  

New Jersey schools and districts have created a myriad of ways to engage students through extended opportunities for learning, and we are thrilled to showcase a few through the DOE Digest podcast.”

The guests on the podcast are Arlene Rogo, principal of Neptune Middle School in Monmouth County and president-elect of New Jersey Principals and Supervisors Association; and Ambrose Duckett III, superintendent of the Eastampton School District in Burlington County and a graduate-level adjunct professor at Fairleigh Dickinson University.

During the 30-minute podcast, guests will discuss approaches to accelerate student learning that help ensure equitable access to grade level content and high-quality resources for each student. For additional information on learning acceleration, please see the NJDOE’s Learning Acceleration Guide.

“The conversation on extended learning started before the pandemic hit. We began by engaging our staff,” said Duckett. 

“We needed to provide more support for extending learning for our students. This was a big grass-roots push from our teachers to help our students. 

We started rolling out biweekly bulletins to help the parents.”

“What happened over the last year and half made a lot of people think outside of the box,” said Rogo. 

“We do have students who were successful in remote learning. We can get some ideas on what benefits the families. We have to look at some of the things that worked this year and continue to build on them.”

Visit the DOE Digest to tune in to the July podcast. The DOE Digest podcast with transcripts is also available on the NJDOE’s website