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“Newark’s Water is Not Contaminated” Officials say


Newark City officials have released a statement addressing an alleged rumor circulating around the city regarding this city's water reportedly contaminated.

The following was released :

“An organization has made absolutely and outrageously false statements about Newark's water. The truth is that the water supplied by the City is safe to drink. Our water fully complies with federal and state regulations.

The City’s water is NOT contaminated with lead.

The only high lead readings were taken inside older 1 and 2 family homes that have lead pipes leading from the city's pure water into those homes.

The city is helping those homeowners to replace their pipes.

Our water is safe. In fact, Newark has some of the best water in the State of New Jersey. We will keep you informed every step of the way.

Again, Newark’s water meets all federal and state standards, and this issue is confined to a limited number of homes with lead service lines”.

Officials urge residents that if they suspect their homes to have lead service lines to contact the Department of Water & Sewer Utilities by phone at (973) 733-4311 or by email at