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Newark Officials to Open Warming Centers For Wednesday, Thursday Frigid Weather


Newark officials announced today that the City of Newark will activate the overnight Warming Center for residents at risk tomorrow, Wednesday, December 14, and Thursday, December 15th, from 8 p.m. to 8 a.m., at the John F. Kennedy Recreation Center, at 211 West Kinney Street.

According to the Mayor, the shelter will continue overnight operation during the expected cold front, which is expected to last until the morning of Friday, December 16.

The building’s entrance is on Howard Street and it is located in the City’s Central Ward.

Temperatures Wednesday evening are expected to plummet to 19 degrees, creating life-threatening conditions for the city’s most vulnerable populations the mayor said.

The Warming Center will provide homeless persons with shelter from severe cold temperatures, medical and social service, as well as hot beverages.

Those seeking refuge will also be provided sleeping cots.

Transportation to and from the Warming Center will be provided by the Department of Health and Community Wellness.

Pick-up points have been identified throughout the city.

“In frigid temperatures like these, we have a moral duty to care for our City’s homeless residents. We will provide those with the greatest need with our love, care, and compassion, using our warmth to shield them from nature’s chill. I thank the Department of Health and Community Wellness, the Department of Neighborhood and Recreational Services, and all the other municipal workers who are providing their time and energy to this important program,” said Mayor Baraka.