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New Jersey Lottery Kicks Off 50th Anniversary Celebration Year

New Jersey

TRENTON – The New Jersey Lottery, one of the largest lotteries and the third oldest in the United States. Is excited to celebrate 50 years of fun-filled gaming, with a year-long celebration that includes the introduction of new games and producing on-going fun and entertainment for players, with a continued commitment to responsible gaming while providing financial support to the state.

“Fifty years ago, New Jersey voters took a chance and approved a state Lottery, which turned out to be a winner. The original hope was that the lottery would generate $12 million in profit annually. Last year, the New Jersey Lottery contributed over a billion dollars to the state,” said James A. Carey, Acting Executive Director of the New Jersey Lottery.

Launched in 1969, the lottery was born to raise funds to support education and state-run institutions. Today the New Jersey Lottery is committed to providing revenue-generating entertainment products to help protect the retirement benefits of those who serve our community, including New Jersey’s teachers, police officers, firefighters, and other public employees.

“We have so many reasons to celebrate fifty years of success. Since 1970, the New Jersey Lottery has produced over $28 billion in revenue for the state and $42 billion in prizes for our players – making over 2,000 millionaires in the process. I can’t wait to meet the next group of winners at our kickoff events,” said Carey.


The year-long celebration will kick off with two events open to consumers where $50,000 in various prizes will be available to attendees 18 and over, and some (literally) “up for grabs” with the premiere of the New Jersey Lottery CA$HNADO, an interactive, prize -grabbing, everybody-is-watching experience.

January 9, 2020; 2:30 - 4:30 PM: Bridgewater Commons Mall in the Atrium

January 11, 2020; 4-6 PM: Wild Wild West in Atlantic City
