All of NJ is expected to experience a heatwave during the weekend and moving into the beginning of the following week.
Officials in Hudson, Union and Essex counties are predicted to reach temperatures above 100 degrees starting on Saturday and to stretch into Wednesday with the worst of the heatwave predicted for Monday.
It is advised that during a heatwave, people wear loose-fitting clothing when outside, stay hydrated throughout the day and remain indoors during afternoon hours when it's at its hottest.
Also, if a cooling center is needed, please call 211 to find out where the nearest one is.
**Face Masks in a Heatwave**
With the COVID-19 pandemic still going on and related restrictions in place, face masks are still required in most areas and, as of Governor Murphy's recent executive order, masks are now required in outdoor spaces where social distancing can't take place.
However, the heat can make wearing masks particularly uncomfortable.
Experts recommend lightweight masks to make them more comfortable for longer periods of time.
They also recommend that you bring multiple masks, in case the one you're wearing gets sweaty.
Additionally, they recommend that you limit your time wearing the mask and only wear it when necessary.