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Mount St. Dominic Academy Celebrates Graduation with Heartwarming Ceremony

Essex County

By: Richard L. Smith 

The Athletic Center at Mount St. Dominic Academy was packed on Sunday, June 2, 2024, as 60 young women who have called the Mount home graduated.AdIt was a beautiful ceremony, with Vincia Jackson, MSDA Class of 2010, serving as the Commencement Speaker.

According to Mt. Saint Dominic officials, Class Salutatorian Adrianna Cacciacarne of Randolph opened the ceremony with a heartfelt prayer. She expressed gratitude for the journey, knowledge, friendships, and memories formed over the past four years. She prayed for guidance in future endeavors and emphasized the importance of Dominican values learned at the academy. 

Adrianna acknowledged the significant influence of family, teachers, and mentors, thanking them for their support and inspiration. 

She encouraged her fellow graduates to pursue excellence, carry their dedication forward, and be positive forces in the world.

The prayer concluded with a blessing for bright futures and a call for God's continued guidance and light.

My saint

Reflecting on her experiences at the Mount, Miss Jackson shared how they have profoundly shaped her life. Her message to the graduates was clear and powerful: "Keep the main thing the main thing," a personal mantra encouraging focus and grounding in what truly matters—goals and dreams. 

She urged the graduates to be the voice that asks the questions everyone else is too afraid to voice, to embrace uncertainty, and to stand firm in advocating for respect. Miss Jackson emphasized the importance of seeking out diverse perspectives and embracing the beauty of diversity while cherishing bonds with those who share your background. She reminded the graduates that success is personal and unique to each individual, saying, "Don't compare yourself to others. Engineer the life you desire and remember who you are. The future is truly yours."Ad Her words were a testament to the values of MSDA and an inspiration for the graduates to carry forward as they embark on their next chapter. According to Mt. Saint Dominic officials, Miss Jackson’s impressive career includes roles with The Clorox Company, Hormel Foods, General Mills, PepsiCo, and Sonoco Products. She is currently a Senior Operations Manager with Amazon.

Her journey began with a B.S. in Chemical Engineering, complemented by minors in Environmental Policy and Studies, and Business. Alongside her academic pursuits, she excelled as a NCAA Division 1 collegiate runner.

MSDA Valedictorian Erin Arenata of West Orange delivered a heartfelt graduation speech emphasizing the importance of memories and connections made throughout her high school journey. She shared how sentimental keepsakes in a senior year memories box symbolized cherished moments and relationships, particularly with the “little sister” she was assigned to as a junior. Erin reflected on the growth and resilience of the class, highlighting shared experiences from volleyball games to musical performances and retreats. Concluding with gratitude and pride, she celebrated the bonds formed and expressed excitement for the future impacts her classmates will make as alumnae.

The MSDA graduation ceremony was a poignant reminder of the values and education instilled in each student at Mount St. Dominic Academy. The graduates left with words of wisdom, encouragement, and inspiration, ready to embark on the next chapter of their lives with confidence and a strong sense of purpose.


With a curriculum that sparks curiosity, bridging tradition with academic rigor and faith with intellectual exploration, the young women of the Mount build a foundation of independent inquiry and critical thinking that serves them well in college, career, and beyond Ad Boasting a 100% college acceptance rate at leading colleges and universities, Mount St. Dominic Academy’s Class of 2024 has earned a collective $13+ million in college scholarships and grants, and acceptance into 119 colleges.

Mount graduates are empowered young women – justice seekers, changemakers, and empathetic leaders, with the skills needed to make the world a better place, along with the desire to do so.

