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Morris County Prosecutor’s Office Visits Randolph Middle School to Talk about Bias, Cyberbullying


On February 15, Morris County Prosecutor's Office Supervising Assistant Prosecutor Samantha DeNegri and Sergeant Patrick LaGuerre visited the students of Randolph Middle School, and lead a presentation on bias issues, cyber harassment and making smart choices about social media.

The presenters stressed they didn't intend to scare the students but wanted to educate them on the potential consequences of engaging in biased behavior. 

SAP DeNegri and Sgt. LaGuerre explained the difference between bias crimes and bias incidents, noting school administrators can choose to take disciplinary action even if an incident isn't considered criminal. 

Randolph Middle School Presentation

Poor choices about what you post online can also impact your employment or higher education goals.

Social media and technology today document everything, even "deleted" or "temporary" photos and messages can be potentially shared and accessed through the device or via a subpoena sent to the app company. 

SAP DeNegri said the unfortunate reality of taking and sharing explicit photos - even with those you trust - is that you can lose control of where those photos end up, and there are legal repercussions for distribution.

SAP DeNegri and Sgt. LaGuerre said treating others with respect and kindness, even online, can reflect positively on yourself.

Randolph Middle School Presentation

Students were able to ask questions of the presenters during and after the program. 

The MCPO routinely holds bias and bullying presentations at area schools to communicate directly with students. 

This winter, Sgt. LaGuerre and SAP DeNegri visited Byram Lakes Intermediate School, Copeland Middle School, and Green Hills School.

"Students today are growing up in a very connected digital world," Prosecutor Robert J. Carroll said. 

"It's the Morris County Prosecutor's Office's goal to help our students navigate that world, making smart choices and being mindful about how they interact online."