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Monroe Township Man Pleads Guilty to Slashing Wife’s Throat

Monroe Township (Gloucester)

A Monroe Township man who slashed his wife's throat in 2017 pleaded guilty to the crime on Monday.

According to a statement released by authorities, Francisco Sanabria, 55, of Monroe Township, pleaded guilty to aggravated assault/attempting to cause serious bodily injury in the April 20, 2017 attack that occurred at his home leaving his wife with two slash wounds to her throat.

Authorities say, in a negotiated plea to the second-degree offense, Assistant Gloucester County Prosecutor Temperance Williamson will recommend that Sanabria is sentenced to ten years in New Jersey state prison.

New Jersey’s No Early Release Act applies to the sentence, making Sanabria ineligible for parole until he serves 85 percent of his prison term.

Superior Court Judge M. Christine Allen-Jackson accepted the plea and scheduled sentencing for 6/1/18.

According to police on Monroe Township police were summoned to the Sanabria home by the defendant for a report of an unconscious person.

Officers arriving at the scene found his wife on a bathroom floor with deep lacerations to her neck. A carpet knife with blood on it was recovered in the home.

Sanabria’s wife described an argument and the attack to investigators while hospitalized.