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Military Veterans Serving at the Morris County Prosecutor’s Office Honored

Morris County

In honor of Veterans Day, several years ago Morris County Prosecutor Fredric M. Knapp began the annual tradition of recognizing U.S. Military Veterans who serve in the Morris County Prosecutor’s Office.  The program was the idea of Chief of Staff Daniel Pfeiffer, himself an Army Veteran.    


Officials say today, Prosecutor Knapp and his command staff again celebrated Veterans Day with members of the Morris County Prosecutor’s Office who served in the United States Armed Forces, or currently serve as a member in a branch of the United States Military Reserves, before pursuing a career with the Prosecutor’s Office.  

Currently, there are 12 members who are U.S. Veterans.  The following list identifies each member, and the respective military branch in which they served:


Chief of Staff Daniel Pfeiffer U.S. Army

Captain Robert McNally U.S. Marines

Captain Harrison Dillard U.S. Army  

Sergeant Michael Gomez U.S. Army

Detective Jimmy Atoche U.S. Army

Detective Joseph Ellis U.S. Army

Detective Muhammad Thomas U.S. Marines

Assistant Prosecutor Julian Hill U.S. Army

Assistant Prosecutor Robert Preziosi U.S. Army

Director Al Imperiale* U.S. Army

Agent John Jespersen U.S. Marines

Support Staff Member Anthony Del Viscovo U.S. Air Force



Appointed to the Morris County Prosecutor’s Office in 2018, Support Staff Member Anthony Del Viscovo was also recognized as being the newest member to be added to the Veteran’s Honor Roll.  The following information reflects his service accomplishments.  


Support Staff Member Anthony Del Viscovo


February 2010 - July 2010: Basic Training Military Training 331st Wolf Pack, Military

Police Technical School. Lackland Air Force Base, Texas


August 2010 - August 2012: PCS Aviano Air Base Italy, 31st Security Forces Squadron. Served as: Entry Controller, Internal/External Security Response Team, Close Bound Sentry, and Patrol Officer


August 2011 – December 2011: Deployed to Kalamata, Greece in support of Operation Unified Protector. Served as Internal Security Response Team


September 2012- May 2015: PCS Joint Base Andrews, Maryland, 11th Security Forces Squadron. Served as: Elite Gate Guard, Internal/External Security Response Team, Patrol Officer, and Desk Sergeant


Awards Received: -Basic Military Training: Honor Graduate

-Security Forces Technical School: Academic Achievement Award

-Aviano AB, Italy: USAF Achievement Medal and Promoted to Senior Airman Below the Zone

-Operation Unified Protector: NATO Medal and USAF Achievement Medal

-Joint Base Andrews, Maryland: USAF Achievement Medal


Prosecutor Knapp said, “The Morris County Prosecutor’s Office is fortunate to have these United States Military Veterans working in our office. Their service to their county has transitioned to serving the citizens of Morris County, and I am honored to recognize them for their continued efforts in making our great county safe”.