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Mahwah Republican Club Announced Scholarships Available for High School Seniors



CampBy: Tracie Carter 

The Mahwah Republican Club is accepting submissions for its 2023 Essay Scholarship.  

Officials said this year’s theme is “In today's divided political landscape, how may fidelity to our founding principles, as expressed in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution, bridge our divisions and promote greater national unity and harmony?”

The scholarship is offered to any high school senior living in Mahwah who will attend college or a trade school post-graduation.  

Three awards will be given in the amounts of $750, $500 and $250.   Essays must be typed and a minimum of 1,000 words.  


Applicants must include the following information with their essay:  name, address, email address, phone number, high school in which they are enrolled (or home-schooled) and the college or trade school they plan to attend.  

The submission deadline is May 31, 2023, and it may be sent to

Officials said The Mahwah Republican Club strives to engage high school seniors in critical thinking about today’s political landscape. 

Over the years, the Club has received inspirational and moving essays that demonstrate the concern Mahwah’s young adults have for topics that are relevant to democracy.