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Lecture on Astronomy for Adults, High School Students at Trailside in Mountainside


The Union County Board of Chosen Freeholders is pleased to announce a lecture on the popular topic of astronomy for adults and high school students.  “This is a great way to get together with friends for an inspiring and educational experience,” says Freeholder Chairman Sergio Granados.

‪NASA Solar System Ambassador Paul Cirillo will present a breathtaking photographic tour of the planets, asteroids and comets in our Solar System.   ‬

‪The talk - scheduled for Mar. 24th from 2 to 3 p.m. - will also highlight the current and future space missions that NASA and the Jet Propulsion laboratory have planned to explore these celestial wonders.  Cirillo, a popular lecturer at Trailside who is passionate about his subject, thrills his audiences with presentations which are both exciting and educational.  ‬

‪There will be ample time for questions and answers.   ‬

‪This program is free.‬

For more information about these programs or other activities at Trailside, please call ‪908-789-3670‬ or visit   

‪Trailside Nature and Science Center‬ is located at ‪452 New Providence Road in Mountainside‬ and is a facility of the Union County Department of Parks and Recreation.