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Kipp Seek Academy Charter School Students Dress in Role Model Outfits for Halloween


Instead of traditional costumes, students from KIPP Seek Academy attended school on October 31, dressed in outfits that represent their hopes and dreams for their future.

The students participated in a “costume parade,” dressed as role models and in the professions, they aspire to be.

Officials say this is a modern Newark tradition, first started by George Washington Carver School more than ten years ago, and students dressed as future police officers, doctors, teachers, computer programmers, CEO’s and more.

After the parade, students participated in a whole school assembly, with a dance party hosted by DJ Lil Man. Students will then took part in the annual “Trunk or Treat,” in which, because of the rainy weather this year, students walked through the gym to visit decorated tables filled with candy donated by the schools, families, friends, and staff.

The program is an innovative, safe alternative to the traditional Halloween holiday.