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JWF-NJ Awards Grants to Irvington, Elizabeth Nonprofits, Boosting Community Impact

Elizabeth Irvington Township

By: Richard L. Smith 

The Jewish Women's Foundation of New Jersey (JWF-NJ) has recently awarded nearly $24,000 in grants to five nonprofit organizations in Northern-Central New Jersey.

NinosThese organizations are dedicated to creating positive impacts in the lives of women and girls.

This initiative, part of a larger giving circle through the Jewish Community Foundation of Greater MetroWest NJ, is a testament to the power of collective generosity.

In December, the trustees of JWF-NJ chose the following organizations for their meaningful contributions to the community:

  • Girls in Gear in Elizabeth, NJ, received $5,000 to support a program that not only teaches girls cycling skills but also integrates Social Emotional Learning (SEL).
  • Moms Helping Moms Foundation in Warren, NJ, was awarded $5,000, which will provide 70 new car seats for babies and toddlers, ensuring their safety and security.
  • RENEW Life Center in Paterson, NJ, received $3,800 to purchase essential tech equipment for a Spanish-language women's career development program.
  • Turning Point Community Services in Irvington, NJ, was granted $5,000 to buy new mattresses for a shelter that serves 125 mothers and their children.
  • The YWCA of Eastern Union County in Elizabeth, NJ, also received $5,000 to cover public transportation costs for 64 women attending vital legal and mental health appointments.

NinosSince its inception in 2007, JWF-NJ has been a beacon of hope and support, having granted more than $1.4 million to over 90 organizations.

Their next grant cycle is now open, with awards of up to $25,000. Interested applicants have until January 19th to submit their initial applications, with more details available at [](

JWF-NJ continues its mission of "Giving Together, Granting for Change," inspiring others with their dedication to improving lives and strengthening communities.

To learn more about JWF-NJ and its impactful work, visit [](
