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Heres Something More To Celebrate In February

New Jersey

It is still time to celebrate all that February has to offer. We are celebrating African American history, we have celebrated Valentine’s Day, and we will celebrate Presidents’ Day.

What’s next?

Well, we have two exciting interviews to share with you to commemorate our month-long celebration of Black History Month.

One of those shows, B.L.E.S.S.E.D. Ministries provide information and employment support for those who have disabilities or are re-entering society after incarceration.  

The other show will include two of New Jersey’s prominent Black citizens who have left and are still leaving their footprints in the sands of New Jersey.

But don’t sit idle waiting for the interviews. Consider using the remaining 13 days of February to broaden your perspectives on some of the hot-button issues around the celebration of Black history in some of America’s public schools.



For instance, did you know that according to The Savvy Principal from Education Week, “lawmakers in 37 states have introduced bills or taken steps to restrict or limit how race and racism are discussed in the classroom”?

That ought to be an exciting conversation to have over some tea and crumpets. Imagine a history that was lived but denied. Now, that’s an ideology that makes you go, hmm.

But if your curiosity is anything like mine, then it’s also the kind of information that pushes you to do a deep dive in order to learn more so that you can be more informed on the subject. I’ve done just that. Know what I discovered?

Well, there’s a lot of hoopla about a concept called Critical Race Theory, what it is and what it is not.


I can tell you what it is not, and then I challenge you to find out for yourself what it is. Critical Race Theory is not “a divisive discourse that pits people of color against white people.”

But don’t take my word for it. See for yourself. And let that be the lesson you plan to study and show yourself approved for the remainder of the 2022 Black History Month Celebration!

Until next time, keep flying on your own wings.