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Graffiti Vandals in Washington Twp. Sought; $1K Reward Offered

Washington Township (Gloucester)

A $1,000 reward is being offered to the person who leads police to the accused graffiti "tagger(s).

According to authorities, the person(s) wanted has sprayed graffiti on mailboxes, fences, vehicles, street signs and even on a Washington Township police vehicle.

The Washington Township Police Patrolmen's Benevolent Association and Washington Township Police Fraternal Order of Police have teamed up to offer a $500 reward for the arrest of the accused graffiti "tagger(s)." A local supporter of law enforcement has matched the $500 reward bringing the total reward offer to $1,000.

“These individuals have no right to recklessly damage private property of our residents. No right to cause intentional destruction of a Washington Township police car and no right to vandalize Stop signs, street signs and roadways.”

Detectives continue to investigate leads into the multiple reports of graffiti that occurred early Monday morning in the Tall Oaks Development, TimberHills Development and along Bells Lake Road.

Anyone with information is asked to contact WTPD at 256-1212 or our Detective Bureau at 589-0330. Tipsters that call in can remain anonymous.