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'Frustrated' Commuters Left Stranded for Over 10 Hours Waiting for United Airlines EWR Flight Departure


United Airlines officials are blaming 'operational difficulties' on a 10-hour flight delay that left hundreds of commuters stranded at Newark International Airport on Saturday.

A representative for the airline could not be reached for comment regarding the matter as of 7:03 a.m. but according to the company's website, United Airlines Flight 607 was scheduled to depart Newark Airport at 9:10 p.m. Saturday and arrive in Atlanta Georgia at 11:44 p.m. but stayed grounded because of operational difficulties.

The delay had passengers officially board the plane at Gate C137 at 7:31 a.m. today -Sunday- (10 hours and 21 minutes late) the website said.

A passenger who spoke to RLS Metro Breaking News recalled her frustration.

> "We went through a series of hells last night, including multiple delays, changes in time of taking offs, and the start of a boarding process that was halting and reversed with half of the passengers already seated on the plane. To add insult to injury, we were forced to sleep in the airport until 6 a.m. overnight and were told that the flight would depart at 6:15 a.m. but we stayed on the plane for another hour due to baggage issues."

As of 8:39 a.m., radar tracking images on the airline's website had flight 607, carrying nearly 200 passengers and crew, just at the Virgina-North Carolina borders.

Several passengers said the airlines apologized and offered food vouchers but most eateries were closed in the EWR airport's terminal.

The plane is expected to land safely in Atlanta at 9:43 a.m.

**UPDATE 9:31 A.M**:United flight 607 has landed safely at Atlanta Airport at 9:30 a.m. Gate arrival 9:43 a.m.