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Essex County is B.L.E.S.S.E.D. to Have an Organization Supporting Those with Criminal Records, Disabilities

On our next 'Flying on Broken Wings' video broadcast, we will speak to Dr. Lisa LaCon from B.L.E.S.S.E.D. Ministries. 

Navigating our way in society can be difficult for many of us.

However, imagine having a disability or a criminal record. Imagine waking up every day and wondering how you will make ends meet when you've made a mistake and have no choice but to find your way.


That makes coursing through life even more of a challenge. That kind of predicament added to a society that can be unkind is enough to send one over the edge. 

Yet, there are those who are finding their way to the other side of maladies and unlawful acts with the help of some humanitarians who believe in giving second chances; and who believe in being non-judgmental.

That's the mission behind B.L.E.S.S.E.D. Ministries, Inc., or B.M.I.

Listen in to their story. Think about how you might support them. Consider sharing their story. And count your blessings.

Check out Tuesday, February 15, 2022, for this fruitful interview.