On the 52nd Anniversary of Earth Day, Edison residents are invited to celebrate at Lake Papaianni with Mayor Sam Joshi and the Health and Recreation Departments for a day of fun, environmental awareness, as well as a free tree sapling, say county officials.
“Earth Day is an opportunity for us to think about how our actions and decisions impact the world, and the challenges the ecosystem and its inhabitants are facing due to climate change,” said Mayor Joshi.
“April 24th is Earth Day, but Edison’s commitment to sustainability and advancing the cause of environmental justice is year-round!”
Officials say the day kicks off at 9 a.m. with a park clean-up and then transitions into a celebration of Earth Day with activities, music and fun. In the event of rain or other inclement weather, an alternate date has been scheduled for May 1st.
“This is a great day for neighbors to meet each other and learn how minor changes in their daily lives can improve their local community,” said Joyce Fircha, Director of Edison Recreation Department.
Some of the top tips from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency on improving sustainability include recycling, reducing water use and food waste, using green products and services, and making cleaner energy choices, say officials.
Any community groups interested in participating in the cleanup or to be a presenter should contact the Edison Health Department via email at health@edisonnj.gov. For additional information or any other concerns/questions about this event, please contact the Edison Recreation Department at (732) 248-7310.
Image Credit: edisonnj.org