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DEVELOPING: Bear Sighting Closes Irvington Township School

Irvington Township

UPDATE: Bear tranquilized then turned over to State Wildlife Officials.

School officials closed the Burch Charter School after a bear was sighted in the vicinity of the school Friday morning.

Police were called to the 100 block of Linden Avenue after receiving reports of a bear that roamed the area overnight.

Units arrived and found the bear and began efforts to trap them remove it from the area according to reports.

Police closed off Myrtle Avenue near Linden Avenue according to residents in the area.

It is not clear if any other schools are closed at this time.

IPD UPDATE 8:24AM: Currently the bear is still in the tree. The school is closed for precautionary measures. We are waiting for State Wildlife officials to arrive. They are based in Trenton. Police officers are posted to keep the area safe. Wildlife officials advised to place flares on the ground to keep the bear in the tree.