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Celebrating Woman's History Month: SISTERHOOD IS POWERFUL

I’m so glad March is longer than most months because it gives us an extended time to celebrate those on whose shoulders many of us have stood.

But March is bigger than just Women’s History Month. It is also about Sisterhood. And if you are one who doesn’t know what that means. Let’s talk!

Sisterhood is an eternal bond that connects women in a variety of ways. Sisterhood is selecting a sister who does not share your DNA.

A Sisterhood is also a select group of women who come together and share a special friendship. It can even be a traveling group.

For me, Sisterhood is DELTA SIGMA THETA SORORITY, INC. While many of the same qualities ring true in each of the sisterhoods mentioned, through DST, I have come to understand that the true meaning of Sisterhood comes when like-minded women are committed to one another.

They are dedicated, loyal, and true at heart. In this same sense, true Sisterhood also means having similar goals. These goals can be personal or for the greater good of that group’s intentions.

And there is a shared purpose among these women. They are women who align themselves to missions and causes that speak to the important work that must be carried out. Then there is the special support given and felt like no other group or organization can provide.

We all want to feel supported. And a real sisterhood provides that support in both expected and unexpected ways. Sisters will show up and show out for each other to elevate us where it counts most.

A sisterhood is that special group of women who will love-on each other as close to unconditionally as possible. Her love goes beyond boundaries, and she is more than just a friend. The bond in Sisterhood between and among sisters is lasting and will withstand the test of all times, whether good, bad, or indifferent.

So, while you are celebrating Women’s History Month or Sisterhood, think about the women to whom you have paid tribute over the years and what those women have brought to your life or how they have been indirectly responsible for changing your life in a positive way.

Then consider how you might pay that forward for the next woman. While you’re at it, also think about the relationships you have cultivated over the years and how you have also grown from them, what you have taken from them, and what your role has been in that relationship.

Ask yourself if you have been more of a receiver or giver. In each instance, look at ways to improve. If you have received too much, how can you give back? And if you have given too much, how can you open yourself up to be more of a receiver?

Until next time, keep flying on your own wings.