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Camden Dog Killer Sentenced to Jail After Brutal Attack on Girlfriend's Puppy


A recent guilty plea to a third-degree animal cruelty charge had a judge in NJ sentence Gary Moore, 39, of Camden, to three years in state prison on August 26. 

The Honorable Dorothy Garrabrant, J.S.C. Moore, announced the sentencing after Moore pled guilty to the crime in July 2022.

According to Camden County officials, in his guilty plea, Moore intentionally killed his then girlfriend’s dog, a Yorkshire Terrier puppy, when he was angry with his girlfriend.

The case began as a joint investigation between the Atlantic City Police Department and the Animal Cruelty Prosecution Unit of the Atlantic County Prosecutor’s Office.

Officials said Moore was ordered to pay restitution to the Prosecutor’s Office for the fees incurred in conducting a necropsy on the puppy. Moore must also complete community service as part of his sentence, as the law requires.

Citizens are urged to report animal abuse or neglect to their local police department.

Each police department in Atlantic County has a designated Humane Law Enforcement Officer with specialized training in identifying and investigating animal abuse and neglect.

Animal abuse and neglect complaints can be made by calling your local police department’s non-emergency number and providing all relevant information to the department’s Human Law Enforcement Officer.