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Browns Mills Man Sentenced to 15 Year in Prison for Recording Explicit Contact with Minor

Burlington County Prosecutor Scott Coffina announced that a 28-year-old Browns Mills man was sentenced yesterday to 15 years in New Jersey state prison for sexually assaulting a young girl and recording it with his cell phone.

Cody Rodriguez must serve the entire term before becoming eligible for parole under the sentence imposed by the Hon. Philip E. Haines, J.S.C.

He pled guilty in Superior Court in September 2021 to Aggravated Sexual Assault (First Degree).

The investigation began in March 2021, after Rodriguez showed the child sexual abuse material on his cell phone to a friend.

The person who viewed it then informed the victim’s parents, and they contacted the Pemberton Township Police Department. 

The investigation revealed that the assaults occurred on multiple occasions during 2020. Rodriguez was acquainted with the victim and her family.

“We applaud the person who took action after becoming aware of these horrendous photos and videos,” Prosecutor Coffina said.

“Anyone who has reason to believe that a child is being abused, in any fashion, should immediately contact police.

We must protect those who often are unable or afraid to seek out help on their own.” 

Rodriguez was prosecuted by Assistant Prosecutor Stephen Eife, supervisor of the BCPO Special Victims Unit. 

The investigation was conducted by the Pemberton Township Police Department and the Prosecutor’s Office.

The lead investigators were PTPD Detective Stephen Price and BCPO Detective Jenn Marchese.