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BREAKING: Multi-Alarm Fire Tears Through Row of Homes in Paterson


Firefighters around Passaic County are on the scene of a massive fire that tore through a row of homes in Paterson overnight. 

The early morning blaze happened around 4:22 a.m at 86 Marshall Street. 


Several firefighters arrived at the scene and observed heavy flames ripping through the roof of a multi-family two-story house and began to stretch 3-4 lines to start their attack. 

Paterson fire officials activated as many as four alarms for manpower as the fire intensified and spread to two neighboring homes. 


RLS Media’s Passaic County field crews are reporting that as of 5:38 a.m., the fire is still ongoing and all companies are still working at the location. 

According to the RLS Media Passiac County field crew, Paterson firehouses have mutual aid fire dept covering and lots of mutual aid companies are on the scene. 


No severe injuries were reported and The American Red Cross is making their way to the scene.