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Bloomfield’s Mayor Announces Annual Turkey Giveaway 


Mayor Venezia will once again provide turkey, including other Thanksgiving related food, to community members in need.

The giveaway will take place on Sunday, November 20, in the back parking lot of the Municipal building between 9:30 - 11:00 AM. Rain or shine, the Mayor and Council will be outside distributing food, so families have what they need to make the holiday special.

“At a time when inflation and other food costs are steadily rising with no end in sight, these generous donations can make all the difference to a family in need, particularly during the holidays,” said Mayor Venezia.

“We are giving away meals to over 700 families, so if you are food insecure this Thanksgiving, please do not hesitate to meet the other members of the Township Council on November 20 and me, and we will ensure you are provided for.

Thank you to all of the men and women of our Human Service Division for their work in making this important event possible.”

Registration for the event is required with the Human Service Division.

They are currently registering residents in their offices by phone at (973) 680-4017 or online at: