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Bail Reform Releases Serial Burglary Suspect Merely Days After Being Arrested for Six Burglaries


Captain Derek Glenn of the Newark Department of Public Safety reports the release of Mr. Troy Chabrier, 57, of Newark, after being charged with six burglaries on August 19th.

According to Captain Glenn, police arrested Mr. Chabrier for a burglary he allegedly committed on August 16th at an apartment in the 300-block of Grafton Avenue.

The victim reported that the suspect stole jewelry and money from his residence before fleeing.

Captain Glenn said when police arrested, Chabrier, they charged him with Burglary, Possession of Burglary Tools and Theft.

At the time of his arrest, police found Chabrier

in possession of a set of professional locksmith lock-picking tools Captain Glenn said.

Detectives investigating other burglaries in the area developed sufficient evidence to charge Chabrier with five additional burglaries, most in or near the Forest Hill Apartment Complex.

Chabrier, who is from New York City, has a criminal history dating back to 1980.

Police arrested him numerous times on charges of burglary, robbery, possess ion of a firearm, assault, CDS possession, possession of burglary tools and possession of stolen property.

In 1989, he was sentenced to 12 years for burglary in his home state followed by 7 years probation Captain Glenn said.

On Friday, August 25th, only six days after his most recent arrest, courts released Chabrier on a monitoring bracelet due to Bail Reform.

“Our officers do an excellent job of identifying and arresting criminals, only to have these individuals released within just a few days,” Captain Glenn said. “Bail reform continues to drive up our property crimes by releasing repeat criminals back on our streets.”