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Atlantic County’s Goals for Combatting Human Trafficking Through Their Task Force

Atlantic County

Atlantic County Prosecutor’s Office Chief Assistant Prosecutor John Flammer has handled human trafficking cases in Atlantic County since 2015. 

He was assigned in 2020 as Atlantic County’s Liaison to the New Jersey Human Trafficking Task Force of the Office of the Attorney General’s Office.

The goals of the state’s Human Trafficking Task Force include the following:

  • Train and assist law enforcement in methods of identifying victims and signs of trafficking in order to disrupt and prevent this activity.
  • Coordinate statewide efforts to identify and provide services to victims of human trafficking.
  • Increase the successful interdiction and prosecution of trafficking of human persons.

A victim of trafficking may look like many of the people you see every day. Ask the right questions and look for clues. You are vital because you may be the only outsider with the opportunity to speak to a victim.

“Mental, physical and emotional coercion are some of the core methods of control by the trafficker.  

It is essential to recognize some of these signs which are often displayed by victims of trafficking – submissiveness, engaging in prostitution, physical abuse, living in a cramped space with multiple strangers – and notify law enforcement,” said Chief Assistant Prosecutor John Flammer, Atlantic County’s state Human Trafficking Liaison.

Chief Assistant Prosecutor Flammer said it is also essential to recognize that victims are often under the control of the trafficker or their network for many months or years.  

Once freed, these survivors need significant time, space and resources to heal. One of the resources available to victims of human trafficking in New Jersey is the recent passage of the Human Trafficking Prevention, Protection and Treatment Act to assist in the expungement of criminal offenses of Human Trafficking victims.

“As they move forward, having certain crimes expunged from their record under the Human Trafficking Prevention, Protection and Treatment Act is one way that we can further the healing process,” Chief Assistant Prosecutor Flammer.

New Jersey Human Trafficking Liaisons:

Should you need more information on human trafficking in Atlantic County, need a speaker for a community event, or are interested in learning more about Human Trafficking, you can contact your Atlantic County Prosecutor’s Office Human Trafficking Liaison Chief Assistant Prosecutor John Flammer by the contact information listed below.


Chief Assistant Prosecutor John Flammer, Human Trafficking Liaison

(609) 909-7893

Emergency outside of business hours: 

Call Atlantic County Sheriff’s Communications Center at (609) 909-7200 contact the liaisons.