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Applications Open for Bloomfield Municipal Youth Internship Program


Applications are now open for Bloomfield students that are in 7th, 8th, or 9th grade for the Municipal Youth Internship Program taking place July 11 - July 23 at the Bloomfield College campus. 

"Not only will students be learning about how our local municipal government works, but they will also be getting a small taste of what life on a college campus feels like," Mayor Michael Venezia said. 

"We hope this will encourage students interested in government to further explore that as an education and career option and give a deeper look at how their local government functions." 

The internship program will be Monday - Friday from 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m., where accepted students will have college and career workshops, spend time visiting and learning about the Bloomfield Municipal Administrative offices, and attend one field trip. 

Interns will also receive two T-shirts that they will be expected to wear throughout the program length. Lunch will also be provided daily.

"This is an incredible opportunity for our Bloomfield students and we are excited to be in partnership with Bloomfield College and Dr. Evans," Councilwoman Sarah Cruz said. 

"It is important for our younger generation to feel included in our government, and this is an excellent way for them to learn how it all works and hopefully be inspired to become more involved."

In order to be eligible, the student must be a resident of Bloomfield Township, must be enrolled in 7th, 8th, or 9th grade, and must be able to attend all ten days of the internship. 

Along with the application, interested students are also asked to write a one-page personal statement about their interests, hobbies, why they wish to participate, and what they hope to learn from the internship. 

The application can be accessed online by clicking on the following link:

Applications are due by June 3, and accepted applicants will be notified on a first-come, first-serve basis by June 10. There is no fee for participation.

If you would like to request further information about this program, please reach out to: