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3 Signs Your Business Systems Suck As Marriedpreneurs- And How To Fix It

New Jersey

By: O.L./Sway Buckley

When it comes to up-leveling anything in life, it's always easier said than done.

Did you know one can find comfort in inefficiency because of fear of change?

It's true. 

It's kind of like being in an unhealthy co-dependent relationship for years. You stay because you know what you can expect. (which is the same reason for leaving)

Team has this to say about change, 

Most people are afraid of changing their routines because they have either had a tough time adapting or witnessed the difficulties others have had.

So, regardless of what this list exposes, just know it's human nature to want to stay in our comfort zone. But, we PROMISE, if you can identify with any of these signs below, there is a better way for this marriedpreneur journey. 

Operating Systems Checklist3 Signs That Your Business Systems Suck As Marriedpreneurs (and how to fix 'em)

1) Lack of Date Nights: Date nights are an easy way to prioritize marriage. They shouldn't be 'work 2.0'. Solution: Implement a wind-down time and a no-work zone policy during your date.

This means focusing on the conversation around you two as the primary topic. 

2) Constant Misunderstandings: With so many moving pieces to our lives, it's easy to forget the main thing and get lost in the woods. Don't let the frustration build distance between you two. 

Solution: Implement quick daily legacy meetings to keep you two on the same page and in alignment with your Marriedpreneur Vision Statement

3) Little Capacity To Support Each Other: When pressure is high, emotions get tense. Capacity is capped, and supporting each other has dropped to the bottom of the list. Solution: Do a Time Study.

Tracking your activities for two weeks straight gives incredible insight into how time can be better used AND is a tool to plan how to find space to be more intentional in supporting one another. 

Marriedpreneur LifeThese signs are relatable to couples in business if your systems are in bad shape. If that's the case, and you want to support us, start with our Marriedpreneur Meeting checklist to get you on the right track. We're rootin' for you!

Here's to living purposefully, powerfully, and profitably in sync, 

O.L. & Sway

O.L. is a former banker turned real estate consultant and entrepreneur. Sway is a former CEO of a staffing firm she started on her dorm room floor to pay for college. Together they co-own Marriedpreneur Life Consultancy, equipping faith-based married entrepreneur couples with high-level systems to scale (without strain). They're the creators of the Marriedpreneur Operating Systems and the co-hosts of The Marriedprenuer Life Podcast, which was praised as one of Wedding Wire's top relationship podcasts. Learn more at

