By: Sway/O.L Buckley
If you're reading this, you're likely a marriedpreneur or intrigued by the idea of being one.
It's the 'intrigue' that many of us pursue (and expect) when launching into this adventure. It's easy to imagine what life could be like when you and your spouse are fully engaged in building out your legacy businesses.
It's a beautiful thought but can also be intoxicating if you're not careful. To bring some sobriety to this still-wonderful adventure, we'd like to share powerful insight that has guided us over the past decade.
First, let's state the obvious: No two marriages are alike.
When you mix marriage with business, there can be countless combinations of 'types of marriedpreneeurs'... or so we thought. By studying our path as well as the lives of the clients we've served over the last ten years, we've made an undeniable observation. We've noticed there are 3 distinct Marriedpreneur Types.
We've operated in all 3.
We've also noticed that there are unique challenges for each of the 3 Marriedpreneur Types too. And if not careful, you can find yourself in a conundrum quickly. Today's article is to help other marriedpreneurs become aware of the 🚩Red Flags to look out for (and avoid at all costs!)
Let's begin.
When we first got married, we (unofficially) worked together. In fact, only one of us was a full-time 'entrepreneur' while the other worked a demanding 9-5.
- This Marriedpreneur Type is called Spousal-preneurs: where one spouse primarily operates the business while the other spouse works a 9-5 and supports however they can.
🚩The Red Flag for Spousal-preneurs is the tendency to become: Running Mates
This means that in a political campaign, one spouse is the 'headliner" while the other spouse runs as support. In this case, it's easy for the non-business spouse to feel aloof and drift apart. Don't allow this to happen.
Before moving to New Jersey, we both began working full-time, but not in the same business. This brought a different set of challenges.
2. This Marriedpreneur Type is called Indie-preneurs: when spouses build individual businesses.
🚩The Red Flag for Indie-preneurs is the tendency to turn into Roommates. This is when both spouses are more consumed with their individual businesses than with the marriage. The separate business, if not careful, can tear you apart while you devote the best of yourself to something other than each other. Watch out for this!
The last Marriedpreneur Type is when both spouses work together in the same business.
- This is called Couple-preneurs.
🚩The Red Flag to look out for Couple-preneurs is the tendency to turn into Cellmates. This is when the business has you both on lockdown (and you don't even realize it because you're usually together). Close proximity doesn't mean intimacy. Don't fall for this trap.
As mentioned earlier, we've been all three of these Marriepreneur Types. (We're currently Indie and Couple-preneurs). But here's the thing, when you have a streamlined system as a couple to support your legacy-building journey, it clarifies how to optimize each day and set your priorities in place. In fact, the right system protects your priorities and does the heavy lifting for you!
This is why we've created the Marriedpreneur Operating Systems to help couples to scale their business without straining their marriage regardless of their Marriedpreneur Type.
High-Level Systems are required for high-level growth. If you're wanting the next steps to start implementing high-level systems, we've created a free Marriedpreneur Operating Systems PDF Training. You can download it here:
Note: O.L is a former banker turned real estate consultant and entrepreneur. Sway is a former CEO of a staffing firm started on her dorm room floor to pay for college. Together they co-own Marriedpreneur Life Consultancy, where they equip married entrepreneur couples with high-level systems to scale without strain. They're the co-hosts of The Marriedprenuer Life Podcast, which was Wedding Wire's top relationship podcast to listen to. Learn more at