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The Power Of Praying With Your Spouse & Business Partner

New Jersey

By: O.L./Sway Buckley

Praying alone is powerful. Praying together is transformative. 

We determined early on in our marriage (before we ventured into business together) to make praying together a pillar of our union. We are both Christians and understand that there is power in prayer, and transformation happens when we pray together. It has impacted not only our marriage but our business as well.

Having wisdom through prayer for our season is a difference-maker!

We get that life is 'busy.' There will always be distractions and reasons to procrastinate or not do it all. But we can personally attest to the crazy benefits of praying together that money could never buy. It doesn't have to be long to be effective.

marriedpreneur operating systems checklist

One of the simplest prayers you can pray together is Lord, help. Amen.

Here are some of the TOP benefits of praying together that have transformed our lives:

  1. ONENESS: It's super easy to grow apart in marriage. Especially as we both experience different areas of growth and new ideas, we start to become other individuals from who we were when we married. Prayer helps us to reconnect on a spiritual level regardless of the different experiences life has shared.
  2. LEVEL THE PLAYING FIELD: Prayer humbles our hearts because we both need God's help to be who we are called to be. We can't do it alone, and it's arrogant of us to think so. Prayer reminds us of this Truth. Humility in marriage is vital to a healthy and happy marriage. Praying together helps us do that.
  3. QUICK BOUNCEBACK: It's hard to argue or be angry and pray with the one you're arguing with. Prayer helps us to have a new perspective on the moment. That doesn't necessarily remove our emotional experience. Still, it does offer a healthy perspective and insight on how to deal with each other and our feelings in a way that matures us in our relationship. 


DECISION-MAKING: Whether it's a business opportunity or wisdom on the next step for growth, praying together offers clarity and PEACE in that decision.

Success-Mapping Call

One of the tools we use to help us stay accountable to praying together is our DAily Legacy Meetings. Each meeting ends with prayer and that is a part of our daily routine. If you're wanting to start implementing legacy meetings into your journey, you can start with our free checklist here.

We hope this offers some insight and practical ways to build a healthy life-long marriage regardless of the season you all are in. We are praying for you!

Here's to living purposefully, powerfully, and profitably in sync, 

O.L. & Sway

O.L. is a former banker turned real estate consultant and entrepreneur. Sway is a former CEO of a staffing firm she started on her dorm room floor to pay for college. Together they co-own Marriedpreneur Life Consultancy, equipping married entrepreneur couples with high-level systems to scale without strain. They're the co-hosts of The Marriedprenuer Life Podcast, which was praised as one of Wedding Wire's top relationship podcasts. Learn more at
