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Paterson to Mark World Autism Month with Flag-Raising Ceremony


By: Richard L. Smith 

In a show of solidarity and support for individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Paterson will observe World Autism Month with a significant event aimed at fostering greater awareness and acceptance.TinyOn Monday, April 8, The Honorable Mayor Andre Sayegh, together with students, staff from Paterson Public Schools, and community members, will participate in the Autism Awareness flag-raising ceremony at Paterson City Hall.

This event is part of a global initiative celebrated during World Autism Month, which seeks to highlight the unique talents and challenges faced by those with ASD.

Paterson officials said the flag-raising ceremony serves as a beacon of hope and inclusivity, aiming to bring the community together in understanding and supporting individuals with autism.

Scheduled to begin at 10 AM, the ceremony will see the participation of Mayor André Sayegh, members of the Paterson City Council, and the vibrant community of Paterson Public Schools.

The flag raising will happen in front of Paterson City Hall and promises to be a momentous occasion, symbolizing the city's dedication to enhancing the visibility of autism awareness and fostering a supportive community for all its members.

Officials say that through events like these, Paterson not only celebrates the diversity and strengths of individuals with ASD but also educates and encourages the broader community to embrace acceptance and understanding, making strides toward a more inclusive society for everyone.


