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NWS: Beautiful Day on Tap in Newark as We Prepare for Heavy Rain on Saturday


AdBy: Richard L. Smith 

My friends and family in Newark and the surrounding North Jersey region are enjoying another beautiful day with clear skies and pleasant temperatures.

Today's conditions are expected to be almost as lovely as yesterday, making it a great day to spend time outdoors.

Currently, the skies are clear, offering the perfect start to the day. However, this clear weather is just the calm before a potentially nasty rainy period set to arrive on Saturday.

The only weather concern for today is the gradual increase in cloud cover.

While the skies will become a bit more overcast, it won't take away from the overall pleasant conditions. The National Weather Service says residents can expect a sunny day with temperatures reaching near 69 degrees.

Winds will remain calm, and the humidity level will be around 80%.

So, please make the most of this delightful day, as it provides an excellent opportunity to enjoy the outdoors. 

As always, stay updated with the latest weather information on RLS Media by clicking HERE to plan your activities accordingly. 
