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Don't Get Stuck In What Isn't Working

New Jersey

By: O.L./Sway Buckley

Have you ever found yourself in a cycle of frustration or, even worse, a cycle of doing things that don't produce the desired results? But you kept doing it because you didn't know what else to do.

Sometimes you don't change unproductive or even toxic routines because you're accustomed to them, and if not careful, they become comfortable. And we all know we don't like to disturb our comfort. : ) 

Team HarrisTo be clear, there are business routines and practices that, in one season, were super helpful to where you were. But as seasons change, so should some of those routines. 

In one season, it was a HELP; in another, it was a HINDRANCE. 

We've been there, but there's good news!

You can change it!

A straightforward way to do it is to assess where you are in comparison to the goal of where you desire to be on your legacy-building journey. The primary way we do this is through our weekly legacy meetings, where we cover the big picture of our marriage and business, 

Marriedpreneur PodcastIn our weekly legacy meetings, we ALWAYS start with what's going well in life (marriage and business). 

Why do we do this? 

Because it's EASY to get discouraged by what isn't going well, the truth is that we can ALWAYS find something to be grateful for. Gratitude shifts our perspective from focusing on the negative line items vs. focusing on the positive ones. 

This doesn't mean we ignore them; we choose not to let them wear us down.

Operating Systems ChecklistIf you've found yourself in a season where you've stopped 'dreaming' about growth and the next steps, let this be your sign to make space to dream again. Start with the big picture and then make switches as needed. 

Also note, as marriedpreneurs, it's common for one spouse to be the most aware of the necessary upgrades to habits, routines, and practices. If that's you, offer grace in the process; if that's your spouse, offer grace in the process. :) 

If you're a marriedpreneur couple seeking a simple checklist to get started, you can grab ours here

Here's to living purposefully, powerfully, and profitably in sync, 

O.L. & Sway

O.L. is a former banker turned real estate consultant and entrepreneur. Sway is a former CEO of a staffing firm she started on her dorm room floor to pay for college. Together they co-own Marriedpreneur Life Consultancy, equipping faith-based married entrepreneur couples with high-level systems to scale (without strain). They're the creators of the Marriedpreneur Operating Systems and the co-hosts of The Marriedprenuer Life Podcast, which was praised as one of Wedding Wire's top relationship podcasts. Learn more at
